Lee stafford hair growth hair update (2)

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Hello lovelies <3
Today I'm writing my second hair growth update from the Lee Stafford Hair Growth range. To read my last post click here. From October to December, I was using the Lee Stafford leave-in hair growth treatment, then in the new year I replaced the leave-in treatment with washing my hair with the shampoo, hair mask/treatment and conditioner. The picture above shows the results of me going from the different products. I do believe at the beginning the shampoo, treatment and conditioner made my hair a lot thicker.
Here are results from January to March, from using Lee Stafford hair growth shampoo, hair mask and conditioner. 

January: Comparing January to December my hair hardly grew, but I did notice my hair was falling out less, so becoming thicker. 

February: I was so shocked by this months results, but annoyed that my right side (left in the picture) is so short, this is most likely being I carry my handbag on this shoulder and my hair often gets caught in the handles. Another reason could be, that my ends were dry because of the harsh weather. But forget that, my hair grew an inch.

March: I took this photo on the day I had my hair cut, as I wanted to my ends to be all one length. 

During this time I washed my hair 2-3 times a week (eew I know, but my hair gets super damaged and dry if I wash it more than 3 times a week) and I used the lee stafford products once a week, (I used my normal shampoo and conditioner Tresemme keratin smooth) for the first month till the middle of February. I have like an 1/8 of both of the bottles left, which I thought for the size of the bottles (250ml) I was going to run out within a month, as I use so much conditioner on my hair.   

Excuse the One Direction PJ top but I thought I'd show you what my hair looks like from the back and with this t-shirt I can easily measure my results, as I'm currently packing my jumpers away and getting my Spring clothes and PJs out. My hair is on it's second day and as I was about the wash it, I didn't feel like damaging my hair just for a picture (sorry). My hair is at the end of 22nd - Manchester.

I will update my hair growth progress in the summer, where I during the time till then I will be using the the rest of my lee stafford products, which I have another bottle of the leave-in spray, some of the hair mask, shampoo and conditioner left. I've recently started to take biotin and hair, skin and nail tablets, as I've heard great results from these products, so I will let you know. Once the lee stafford products have ran out, I will use the organix coconut milk shampoo and conditioner.

If you want me to post my current hair care routine or my other hair growth tips in the future, comment below.

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